2024VT Bundle 21

Subjects Included

Mandatory 1 hr

2024VT(1hr)Managing your license and regulatory obligationsV1

Mandatory 1 hr

2024VT(1hr)Diversity and Inclusion2: Dealing with Customers and Clients FairlyV1

Elective 1 hr

2024VT(1 hr)Supervision: Processes, Planning and PracticeV1

Elective 1hr

2024VT(1hr)Social media and digital communications: avoiding harm, common risks, and issuesV1

Elective 1 hr

2024VT(1hr) Disclosure AddendumV1

Elective: 1.5 hr

2024VT(1.5hrs)Physical Property InspectionV3

Elective 1.5 hrs

2024VT(1.5hrs) Subdivisions and Selling off the PlansV1

Elective: 2 hrs

2024VT(2hrs)Know the PropertyV1