2025 Verifiable Individual Training Courses
Browse our available courses below and select all or part of the 10 hours needed to complete
your 2025 Verifiable training
2025 Verifiable Individual Courses
2025VT(1hr)Managing your
license and regulatory
This topic is about professional practice and what it means to be operating as part of a regulated profession.
2025VT(1hr)Diversity and
Inclusion2: Dealing with
Customers and Clients
This topic is focused on the importance of dealing fairly with customers and clients in the real estate context.
processes, planning and
This topic is focused on the importance of dealing fairly with customers and clients in the real estate context.
2025VT(1hr)Social media and digital communications:
avoiding harm, common
risks, and issuesV1
An introduction to social media and digital communication covering the relevant legislation relating to it , best practices and application in a real estate context
2025VT(1hr)Natural Disasters and Weather Events:
disclosure, risks and
A practical guide in relation to Natural Disasters and Weather Events, recent changes in legislation relating to these events and their effect on real estate and our obligations under legislation
2025VT(1.5hrs)Anti-Money Laundering:Your
Reviews what money laundering means including relevant information about financing terrorism and legislation.
2025VT(1.5hrs)AML - Due
Due diligence and the requirements under the government authorities and identification of clients.
A discussion of other acts that impact real estate licensees in their day to day activities.
Obligations to Your Client
and CustomerV4
This topic reviews what disclosure means and important legislation and rules relating to disclosure.
This topic reviews both the vendors and licensees' disclosure requirements.
Price Allocation(PPA)V1
This topic explains the application of the PPA Rules in real estate transactions which came in effect on 1 July 2021.
2025VT(2hrs)The Buyer
Learn to improve the buyer experience and discover the different buyer groups and their key challenges.
2025VT(1.5hrs)Commercial Sales and Leasing-EthicsV2
Explains common issues and ethics in the context of commercial real estate leasing and sales.
2025VT(2hrs)Ethics V1
Learn the meaning of professional competency, conduct, ethics and best practice.
2025VT(1hr)Issues Beyond
the BoundaryV3
Discusses your disclosure obligations as a licensee, to both the vendor and the prospective purchaser .
Ownership and TenureV3
This topic explains what essential documents are, where they are found and what they mean.
2025VT(2hrs)Methods of
Outlines the different methods of sale, discusses key points and best practice actions to mitigate issues.
Property InspectionV3
Study knowledge and understanding of a physical property inspection for land and buildings to identify risks.
Environmental IssuesV1
Find out what information a licensee needs to gather prior to listing a rural property plus environmental issues.
Explains the marketing processes and regulations a licensee must go through to offer or market a property.
Information Memorandum (LIMs)V2
Explains notable information including consents which can be contained in a LIM report and what to look for as ‘red flags’.
Communication: Channels and DocumentationV3
Learn concepts around lines of communication including electronic communication with clients/customers and protocols.
2025VT(2hrs)Rural: Know
the PropertyV1
This topic will look at best practice for licensees before bringing a rural property to the market.
Provides information relating to an agent's responsibility to manage trust accounts, including audit requirements.
Focuses on the purpose and requirements of an appraisal and the legal requirements for it.
2025VT(1.5hrs)Goods and
Services TaxV4
Explains key terms relating to GST and key tax legislation around land transactions.
Fiduciary Duties with
Fairness to the BuyerV1
This course examines how the fiduciary (the licensee) works in the best interests of their principal (the client).
Subdivisions and Selling off the PlansV1
Explains the subdivision process, what the licensee needs to know about what they are selling and common issues.
This topic discusses the agency's obligations regarding supervision and management of salespersons.
2025VT(2hrs)Know the
Discusses the research required on a property at listing time and the key focus when asking questions of the seller.
2025VT(2hrs)Sale and
Purchase Agreements:
Common Issues and Best
A comprehensive course covering the Sale and Purchase Agreement with common issues arising and best practice.
Conjunctional SalesV2.1
Explains what a conjunctional sale is and how it is established and what needs to be agreed in a conjunctional agreement.
This topic reviews the six principles of contract and how they apply to agency agreements.
2025VT(1hr)Managing your
license and regulatory
obligations V1
This topic is about professional practice and what it means to be operating as part of a regulated profession.
2025VT(1hr)Diversity and
Inclusion2: Dealing with
Customers and Clients
This topic is focused on the importance of dealing fairly with customers and clients in the real estate context.
processes, planning and
This topic is focused on the importance of dealing fairly with customers and clients in the real estate context.
2025VT(1hr) Diversity and
Inclusion Topic 3: Meeting your Obligations through
Effective Communication
This course covers our obligations in relation to fairness, communication, skill and care that licensees must demonstrate. Effective and appropriate communication in addition needs to be adapted to meet the needs of people across
age , gender, ethnicity, ability and identity that meets the high conduct standards expected of you as a licensee.
2025VT(1.5hrs)Code of
Conduct,Misrepresentation and Fair TradingV2
An overview of the REA Act 2008 (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 and other relevant legislation.
2025VT(1hr)Engaging with
councils: know your rights and obligationsV1
A course designed to assist you in engaging with Councils, and council held documents. It outlines a brief overview of council operations and their functions and provides guidance in relation to investigating, marketing and selling a property, what information you require with particular emphasis on those held by councils itself.

Agents TV Limited.